The Community Pain Network is a collaborative group of diverse providers, researchers, community leaders, and individuals with experience of chronic pain who are seeking to improve outcomes and well-being for all people living in pain.

Starting in our own community of Bryan/College Station, Texas, we seek to change how chronic pain is understood, researched, treated, and therefore experienced by the many who are trapped by its grip. That grip is far too often viewed as a physical-only condition instead of the whole-person experience that requires whole-person pain care.

We are looking for others to join our movement to accomplish these objectives:

Will you cheer us on, stay up on our progress, join in to help us build this network? We need everyone who is passionate about helping the many — of all backgrounds — who struggle to find the whole-person pain care that is needed to overcome a condition that is more than a physical issue. Let us know your interest:

We are committed to representation and equitable collaboration. This includes explicit recognition of lived experience as expertise, and intentional inclusion of people from diverse backgrounds as essential in addressing the problem of pain in our community.