Information and Invitation

Advancing a more holistic understanding of pain and pain care

a man in pain

Join the Community Pain Network

group of people (line drawing)
Make a difference

Working together we plan to change the way pain is viewed, treated, and experienced.

Starting in our own community of Bryan/College Station, Texas:

We seek to change how chronic pain is understood, researched, treated, and therefore experienced by the many who are trapped by its grip. That grip is far too often viewed as a physical-only condition instead of the whole-person experience that requires whole-person pain care.

Will you cheer us on, stay up on our progress, join in to help us build this network? We need everyone who is passionate about helping the many — of all backgrounds — who struggle to find the whole-person pain care that is needed to overcome a condition that is more than a physical issue.

Will you join us at our next organizational meeting on Tuesday, December 5th, at noon to learn more and get involved? This meeting will be in the “Washington Conference Room” at the Brazos Valley Council of Governments building (3991 East 29th Bryan, Texas).

Let us know your interest, RSVP, or join our mailing list –


Vani Mathur, PhD – co-founder
Debbie Murphy, NBC-HWC – co-founder

medicine with a heart